Anti-Viral Tonic (Limited Edition)

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Anti-Viral Tonic (Limited Edition)


Elixirs—Our small-batches elixirs are made using a combination of hearty roots, mineral-rich herbs, vitamin-rich fruits, and sustainably foraged medicinals. We craft each batch seasonally to take advantage of all the magic our native plants have to offer.

Our Anti-Viral Tonic is a fruity, vinegar-based extraction to support the immune system*. Antioxidant-rich pomegranate and rose hips provides a jolt of vitamin C and anti-inflammatory properties. Lemon balm contains a compound called rosmarinic acid that has powerful anti-viral and anti-microbial properties. Rosemary is a rich source of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds, which help boost the immune system and improve blood circulation. Bee balm and thyme lend powerful anti-spasmodic and anti-microbial benefits.

It can be hard to get enough of these foods into our body to help fuel our natural systems, and this tonic will give you an extra, nutrient-dense boost. Take 1-2 tbsp neat or add to any beverage of choice.


Apple cider vinegar, pomegranate, multiflora + rose rugosa reships, lemon balm, bee balm, anise hyssop, rosemary, thyme.

1oz / ml | herbal supplement

*This product has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. It is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Keep out of reach of children and consult your health care practitioner about underlying conditions before adding any herbal supplements to your daily regimen.


We are currently crafting our elixirs in small-batches in a shared commercial kitchen while we finalize our own on-farm operation. Because of this, our edible remedies are being done in limited edition runs when we have access to this space and may be sporadically available. We appreciate your understanding and patience with our limited stock as we focus on creating a sustainable and long-lasting system for our farm.

If you’re interested in supporting us through this process, we recommend looking into our Seasonal Apothecary Shares for quarterly boxes, curated by our team based on what is in season. It also enables us to plan for the year and offer more limited runs of new products to our community.


We offer a 10% Reparative Pricing “Discount” for folks who are Black, Indigenous and/or People of Color. These reparations are offered with an attempt at integrity and a invocation for collective liberation. Read more about how to access this pricing code here.


Sliding scale pricing honors the fact that we all have different access to resources and can be a way for community to support itself. Simply put, people who pay on the higher end of the scale support people who pay on the lower end. This allows us, as farmers and healers, to provide herbal remedies, basic household essentials, access to small joys in life, and spells of self-care to more people. Paying on the higher end of the scale is an act of solidarity that recognizes that everyone deserves access to earth-concious products and the healing arts. And paying on the lower end can be a way to honor the limitations of your household. Read our guide here and try to be as honest as possible with yourself about what your household can afford.

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